
Peter Melicharek
Mag Peter Melicharek, TEP
Since 2001, Peter Melicharek captured many a great victory for his clients in numerous litigation cases. He battled through several international high profile law suits. Peter is your fellow combatant lawyer of choice when the going gets tough.
The Wiener Advocatur Bureau has been headed by Peter Melicharek since 2008, who represents prominent clients from Europe, the US and Asia. His fields of activity include M&A, trust- and foundation law, especially in a litigation environment, and corporate law. On the above topics, he frequently publishes scientific articles in magazines and holds lectures. Peter is also a collector of contemporary art, a private equity investor and an entrepreneur.
- Company and Corporate Law
- Trust- and Foundation Law
- Good Governance
- Litigation
- M&A and Real Estate Law
- Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
- AEA International Lawyers Network
- Justinian Lawyers Network
- Partner of Vienna Stock Exchange (Private Equity and Venture Capital)
- Board of Experts for trust- and foundation law at the Bar Association Vienna
- Trusted lawyer of a Swiss major bank and of four Viennese private banks
- Baker & McKenzie Alumni Club
- Attorney-at-Law since 2005, Foundation of Wiener Advocatur Bureau 2008
- Studied legal and economic sciences at the University of Vienna and WU Vienna (Mag iur 1999)
- Governance Excellence Lehrgang at WU Excecutive Academy (2011)